Lake Restoration :
Water-Bodies / Lake/ Pond Restoration
Water-Bodies/ Pond restoration is a Technique used for aiming to bring Water-Bodies back to or closer to anthropogenically undisturbed conditions. Usually, Water-Bodies restoration refers to various methods used inside the Water-Bodies and also various measures are taken outside the Water-Bodies such as reduction of the external nutrient loading by improved wastewater treatment.
“Most Water-Bodies pollution problems are caused by nutrients, sediments & contaminants carried into the water bodies. Soil particles carry more than 90% of the organic nitrogen & phosphorus originating from existing agricultural practices. Sediments come from all over the land and thus have non-point sources, whereas nutrients can have both non-point and point sources. In a typical water body, nutrients may come from wastewater, sewage, agricultural runoff, urban runoff, & atmospheric fallout. In recent years, heavy use of fertilisers, pesticides and high rates of soil erosion have increased the severity of the problem”. – Rajeev Singh
What we Do for our Clients :
Conduct a Water-Bodies Studies with our Team of Experts:-
Immediately after taking the Water-Bodies restoration project, we start working on “diagnostic-feasibility” or “feasibility” status. The purpose is to accurately characterize the chemistry, biology, and hydrology of the Water-Bodies and determine the amount and character of runoff from its watershed.
Only after such a detailed report is prepared we do the assessment of restorative techniques, if any, that may improve the quality of the Water-Bodies. The observation diagnoses the Water-Bodies problems and causes
Our Feasibility report making procedure, We undertake the following aspects into consideration:
- Water chemistry, in particular phosphorus and nitrogen levels
- Dissolved oxygen and temperature
- Water transparency
- Chlorophyll
- Phytoplankton (algae)
- zooplankton identification
- Macrophyte (large aquatic plants)
- Sediment characteristics
- Fish Population and Production
- Inlet and outlet flow
- Inlet water chemistry
- Land use – past, present, and future
- Soil erosion inventory
- Precipitation
- Vegetative cover
- Wastewater disposal system survey
- and many more factors
Prepare an Implementation Plan
After a diagnostic feasibility study is conducted, reports based on factual information are available to prepare an implementation plan. Our Team of Experts uses diagnostic techniques and identifies the sources and the magnitude of pollutants. A comprehensive implementation plan is prepared to address the execution Plan.
Water-Bodies Restoration: It Can Be Done!
“Water-Bodies restoration includes both in Water Bodies treatment techniques and water-shed techniques for the purpose of “restoring” the Water-Bodies. It is essential to Consider, though, that the watershed is usually the key to helping a Water-Bodies recover its long- range vitality”- Rajeev Singh